Become a member of Playwrights’ Platform to hear your work read by skilled actors and obtain
thoughtful and courteous feedback. Network with playwrights, actors, and directors in a supportive
environment. For information about the festival, go to FESTIVAL.

Playwrights’ Platform readings are on Zoom – and in person! Go to CALENDAR for the schedule. You must be a member to schedule a play reading and to take advantage of other benefits, including the FESTIVAL and the ACTORS IN RESIDENCE program. For information, go to MEMBERSHIP.
For Zoom readings, we meet the second Wednesday of the month at 7PM EST. Zoom is for shorter plays or excerpts with a maximum length of 15 minutes. We can generally read 3 or 4 short works in a two-hour evening. First come, first served. Casting is done by the writer. The next Zoom meeting is May 8, 2024.
Longer plays are read, in person, in the Harter Room at First Church, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA. We can read a couple of one acts or one full-length play in these meetings. Preference will be given to new works that have not been read before. Upcoming in-person readings are:
Monday, March 7, George Smart “Enough”; Tuesday, April 16, Lawrence Kessenich; Tuesday, May 21, Marge Kaplan.
Playwrights’ Platform is a non-profit, Boston-area cooperative of playwrights, directors, and resident
actors. Since 1972, Playwrights’ Platform has helped develop new theater by providing a forum to
explore the process of creating dramatic work.
Playwrights’ Platform supports justice for all. We hope that this support, combined with a
continuation of the arts, will not only help our nation heal, but will lead us to a better place,
where everyone is treated equally and where democracy is truly realized.
To learn more about plays written by Playwrights’ Platform members, books of plays featured in past
festivals are available on