Dear George,
I am embedding my newsletter regarding a full performance of the play I started at Playwright’s platform. It was called “Sassy” when I had a couple of readings with all of you, and the name has changed to Songs From the Moon. Here is the information with the most recent information. Thanks and see you in October, I hope. Best wishes, Pam Newton
The Dreamscape Project Group
Dreaming Up New Possibilities with Dance and Drama
Pamela S. Newton:
Artistic Director
August 29, 2014
Inline image 4 Newsletter #2
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
This second newsletter is a shorter one with some practical information about directions to the Robsham Theater Arts Center, parking near the theater and buying tickets. In three weeks we will be opening Songs From the Moon and hope that we will see many of you in the audience.
The Dreamscape Project Group is hard at work rehearsing, costuming, and polishing our production of Songs From the Moon. The music has been completed and recorded, we have play rehearsals two more days this week and a run-thru next Wednesday, and the choreography is being rehearsed over and over to refine it!
We have arranged for the Robsham Theater Box Office to handle our tickets for the September 19 and September 20 performances at 7:30PM. They will become available on September 9, 2014 through or you can call 617-552-4002.
Here is some information about getting to the show!
The Boston College’s MBTA “Green Line” (B) ends at the Boston-Newton boundary on Commonwealth Ave. It is across the street from St. Ignatius Church on Commonwealth Ave. Cross the street, walk by St. Ignatius Church and follow the perimeter road around to the first campus entrance. Walk into the campus at this point. The Robsham Theater Arts Center will be the third large building on your left. For more information, visit the MBT website at
If you are driving, parking is available for handicap parking directly behind the theater in the paved parking lot and across the street from the Robsham Theater Arts Center in the parking garage. To get to this garage, “The Commonwealth Avenue Garage,” use the intersection of St. Thomas Moore Road and Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467. From St. Thomas More road, take Campanella Way into the campus and into the Commonwealth Garage. This will be on your right after you pass the theater. The fee to park on the weekends is $5.00 per exit.