Playwrights’ Platform 2008 New Plays Festival!
Series A Program: June 12, 13, 14 – Curtain 8PM
SHORT CUTS by Christopher L. King
A play in which two lady barbers discover that a long friendship
is like a long haircut; sometimes you have to just cut it short.
POLE DANCING by R. Eliot Ramsay
When a man goes backstage to a dancer’s dressing room,
he gets caught up in an erotic confrontation.
“Best Practice”? For her own good? Why does Evelyn
get to be the one to decide for Miriam?
A BAR, A MAN WALKS INTO by Bob Boulrice
A Bar A Man Walks Into is a short bit of whimsy featuring the
Son of God as a bartender dispensing beatiudes and cocktails
to a hopeless drunk; a greedy venture capitalist; a lustful
evangelist and finally, to His brother, the devil.
THE ENTERTAINER by Phyllis Rittner
A struggling musician plays the gig of his life when a nursing
home hires him to entertain seniors.
P.A by Lydia Bruce and Sandy Burns
A powerful addiction is sweeping America, and the number of
vulnerable Stage 4 addicts is soaring. With sensitivity and
feeling, the play P. A. conscientiously explores this
devastating societal problem.
THE UNVEILING, by Ellen Sullivan
When a family discovers their loved one is buried in the wrong
place, they wrangle over what they should do.
Series B Program: June 19, 20, 21 – Curtain 8PM
CUT by R. Holly Jensen
Ben and Jenny are having their first child, but religious
traditions and family pressures are creating chaos
before the little tyke even arrives!
FORGIVING by R. Lida McGirr
Forgiving is about a daughter’s struggle to forgive
herself for her less than valiant behavior toward her
terminally ill, now deceased, mother.
ON THE STRUT by Hortense Gerardo
Rigged up for their first parachute jump and flying
up to 2200 feet in a Cessna airplane, Celeste and
Parker confess uncomfortable truths about themselves
before climbing out, On the Strut, and into the sky.
“STOP REQUESTED” by Gail Phaneuf
Sometimes a conversation on a city bus with a
stranger can open our minds and hearts to a new
THE CELL by Kelly DuMar
He’s King of the Underworld, and he wants to make
her his Queen.
ON THE ROCKS by Jerry Bisantz
“Two guys in a bar at the beginning of another
mediocre day… just about anything can happen.
Unfortunately, it does”
Will Zoe and Jon ever complete their banking business
as Sue the bank teller bores Tim the bank guard with
detailed summaries of last night’s TV shows; and
what will Debbie do?
**BE SURE TO ARRIVE EARLY – no later than 7:45 for reserved tickets**
Tickets are $17 for general admission, discounts for students, seniors and members are available.
Please consult the Boston Playwrights’ Theatre website for Parking information.