Dayenne CB Walters

Dayenne CB Walters recently finished producing and acting in an online production of Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night (Mary Tyrone). Past roles include Tituba/Rebecca Nurse/Francis Nurse/and Mercy Week in The Crucible (Central Square Theater/Bedlam and Connelly Theatre, NYC,); The Doctor in Exit the King (Actors’ Shakespeare Project, Boston); Doctor Rieux in The Plague (Praxis Stage/Boston); Vivian Bearing in Wit, (MMAS, Mansfield, nominated for an EMACT, Best Actor, Female); Beryl Ruth, in With Glittering Eyes (Hibernian Hall, Roxbury); Mama Beast in Miss Penitentiary (Maiden Phoenix, Boston); and Oshun in Gift of an Orange (Tennessee Williams Festival, Provincetown and New Orleans).

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